
Meet The Rasta Compassion Group

As their Facebook page states, Victoria Falls Rasta Compassion aims to assist and aid the disadvantaged elderly people of the Victoria Falls community with home based care and support. The group was formed in 2015 and is headed up by Titus "TNT' Zhikali and Ronnie Mbambo, craftsmen based at our home of Elephant's Walk. However, under the leadership of these two generous souls, they have far expanded their field of work. They were core members of the children's feeding scheme during the COVID-19 relief plan, paint school blackboards, create playground items, work in the old age home gardens ensuring they have fresh nutritious vegetables and are generally up to help in any project we undertake, all time freely given. We can't thank these selfless partners enough for everything they do, always with a smile and their motto of "Together as One'!

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Comments: 1
  • #1

    Sandra (Thursday, 11 November 2021 07:46)

    This is good work guys. Keep the good spirit